Difficulties We Can Help You With
Individuals carrying diagnoses of Autism Spectrum Disorder, Asperger’s, Non-Verbal Learning Disabilities, Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder, or any number of diagnoses, and may feel uncomfortable within their own bodies, may experience difficulty forming relationships with others, or find it challenging to perform routine daily activities.
Individuals experiencing difficulty with fine or gross motor abilities, balance, and postural control that interferes with their success and/or comfort during daily activities.
Individuals who experience difficulty with processing sensory information, including auditory processing, visual processing, tolerance for movement, tolerance for being touched/the need to touch others, spatial abilities, and picking up social cues.
Common Symptoms
Daily Functioning
Difficulty completing daily responsibilities, time management, and multitasking
Difficulty navigating relationships with others – family, friends, co-workers
Difficulty tolerating changes in routine or expectations
Overwhelmed by crowded places
Disorganized or the need for extreme organization
Difficulty attending or focusing on a task, easily distracted
Difficulty driving
Anxiety, frequent “startling”
Frequent emotional overreactions
Poor balance
Poor coordination, accident prone
Difficulty concentrating
Frequent dizziness
Not feeling ‘grounded’
Extreme car sickness
Feeling of “moving stiffly”
Extreme sensitivity or fear of heights
Sound, Light, Taste, & Smell
Difficulty tolerating a loud restaurant, movie theater, or concert.
Difficulty tuning out common background noise, such as an air conditioner, refrigerator, or the buzz of fluorescent lights.
Extreme sensitivity to bright sunlight or flashing lights.
Limited repertoire of food, rigid presentation of foods, or the need for intense flavors.
Frequent smelling of objects/people or extreme sensitivity to strong smells.
Difficulty tuning out background information, such as concentrating on a conversation in noisy environment or finding an object in a cluttered drawer
Intolerance to physical touch such as casual contact in passing, hugging, intimacy, brushing teeth, washing hair, dentist/doctor visits
Discomfort with or the need for particular fabrics or types of clothing
Need to touch everything
The extreme need to be in control of touch
Unusually high pain threshold
Extreme discomfort when wet or dirty
Understanding our approach.
The therapists at SensoryWellness have extensive training in the understanding of sensory processing and the neurological processes that contribute to optimal functioning. Using a variety of touch/massage techniques, movement strategies, sound-based systems, ocular-motor/visual protocols, and a variety of other tools, we help our clients feel more comfortable in their bodies and in the world around them.
We are each born with an innate set of movement patterns (primary reflexes) that promotes our neurological development and functioning from birth to adulthood. These include the ability to process sensory information, maintain feelings of physical groundedness, and remain emotionally regulated. Using therapeutic strategies that access these “hard-wired” reflex patterns, our therapists promote the maturity of these neurological systems. Going to the root of these systems allows for faster results and long-lasting changes.
An important part of the therapy program is the implementation of therapeutic exercises that bring together and reinforce the work that is done during each session. Our skilled therapists develop personalized home programs for each client that are carefully reviewed during sessions. We find that following up at home with just a few minutes of exercise each day allows for faster results. This often results in reducing the total amount of therapy required by a number of months.
Education is an important piece of the therapy process and we believe that the more knowledge that you have regarding how your body works, the more quickly and deeply you can affect change. Therapy sessions will focus on helping you get to know your individual neurological system. You will gain an understanding of how changes in the physical way you use your body strongly impacts the way that you think and feel. We encourage our clients to ask questions, such as why specific techniques are used and how they will be helpful to them. Together we will celebrate each step toward your goals.

Get a Complete Picture
Using a holistic approach we will explore your personal background, health history, and perform physical assessments to determine the factors that are contributing to your areas of challenge. We will develop a collaborative treatment plan and a timeline for expected change toward achieving your goals.
Get a Complete Picture
Using a holistic approach we will explore your personal background, health history, and perform physical assessments to determine the factors that are contributing to your areas of challenge. We will develop a collaborative treatment plan and a timeline for expected change toward achieving your goals.
Personalized Therapy
Therapy is personalized and targeted so that we move towards reaching your goals in the quickest possible manner. All therapy sessions are performed one-on-one in a private room setting. There is no shared space with other sessions that may be going on.
One-on-one sessions
Private room, no shared space
Calm and regulating environment
Highly trained and dedicated therapists
Remote sessions available